Tuesday, March 22, 2005

How do you spell Al Quieda?

Al Qeada -- or however it's spelled -- is crippling America. They have won, and they're continuing to win.

But before I explain why, let's back up and talk about some domestic issues. I was posed the question the other day: what would you do with $2,100? Plenty, I responded. I'd start paying off my student loans, or maybe pay for a few months of rent to get that out of the way. I asked some friends, and their answers include:, down payment for a car to impress sorroity sweathearts downtown, pay for their texbooks, treat their extended family to dinner, and buy a new computer. A gift of $2,100 would be excellent, especially now that my bills are the highest. My friend explained the reason behind his question; that is what America is currently spending per second in Iraq.

Continuing with the questioning, my friend posed yet another question: What would you do with this second's $2,100? And now this second's? Every second you have to think of something new to do with that money. After the first minute or so, I would have done everything in this life I've ever dreamed of doing.

And this is why Al Quida has won, and will continue winning, the war against America. Somehow they convinced us to spend billions and billions on forign soil, thus insuring an economic downfall within the United States. The cost of the World Trade Center is nothing compared to what Al Quida got us to spend in Iraq. To make it worse, it seems like Bush's goal is to double the deaths of the WTC by sending wave after wave of American to their death.

Remember that huge typhoon that killed three hundred thousand humans? If we spent the same amount on them as we did in Iraq, we could have built a house and bought a car for each person who lost their domicile.

Hitler didn't even spend as much money as Bush is, in their respective wars. Maybe if Hitler acted more like Bush, the Germans would have won. In fact, Bush is trying to spend more money in the next 5 years in the military, than existed in the entire world when Hitler was trying to play global police.

So Al Quida attacks us, and we invade a country that has nothing to do with Al Quida, except for the religion. Of all the random people to attack, why did we choose Iraq? There are currently 182 countries that practice the dictionary definition of "genocide." Speaking of Hitler, dozens of these countries would make Hitler blush, claiming death tolls far greater. Bosnia, Kosavo, Serbia...their genocidic numbers have surpassed twenty million. Now that I think about it, Sadam Hussen is a pretty good person in comparison.

This all proves that Al Quida is winning the war. They've convinced our top leaders to support dumping money into a place that doesn't deserve American money. This liberal minded author agreed with his republican friend in saying that dumping the $2,100 on a higher-income braket family is a much better use of money that burning it. With that in mind, the $300 tax refund I got last year was a slap in the face from Bush. It was like saying, I'm not as good as an Iraqi citizen, and don't deserve the same respect that America is giving the Iraqi public.

If you gave one American man woman or child $2,100 every second, and continued in order until every American received that gift, then every 331 days, we would restart the payout. That would mean that the average family would receive around 9 grand a year. Far better than Bush's crappy gift of $300. Think of it this way: the average armed robbery yeilds about $200. How many people would be commiting those crimes if all they had to do was sit on their couch and receive that money?

But that's veering off topic. All I'm really saying, is the terrorists are winning, and Bush is doing a great job of insuring their victory.

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