I got
the best instant message today. More than what I could ask for,
actually. I write these weblog for my enjoyment, but more over, to feel
like I can make a subtle little change. Maybe make someone think a
different way. Maybe to allow me to let myself think a differnt way.
My received message was the following "...your welcome! I just thought you should know cuz it always cheers me up." Couldn't ask for anything more. And I relay the following knowledge to describe my feeling of joy from hearing these words.
Humans have always thought because they have power, we have wisdom. Therefore people through history would farm for power, in order to feel the influence of their wisdom. From the short time of writing these posts, I have come to remember that power can be fought over, wisdom cannot. There are more things in heaven and earth then the glimps of human philosophy. Why then are we so cock-sure about the power we posses over other humans? I'll take the life altering wisdom of a impovereshed man over the clouded wisdom of a powerful man every time. Why? Because the art of being wise is a learned trait, not one that is taken with a sword.
Speaking of swords, I should really post a picture of my Christmas present. It is a utility katana -- utility in that it came sharp enough to cut paper in half that mearly dropped on top of it. If you light a candle in the room, the sword will reflect it, and the entire room will glimmer with its brilliance. One of my best friends gave it to me, and I love it, the amount anyone can love a wordly item. I almost attacked Brad with it when he busted into my house one day.
But hey, these are just ramblings. All this discussion about love and power and wisdom...doesn't matter to me. What really matters is that message I got from my friend, telling me their appriciation for the posts I've been writing. That's really all the wisdom in the world I need, is how to make someone happy. How to make someone thing a bit differently.
The person who messaged me earlier closed the conversation with this: "superyay for the 'cop ahead' story."
My received message was the following "...your welcome! I just thought you should know cuz it always cheers me up." Couldn't ask for anything more. And I relay the following knowledge to describe my feeling of joy from hearing these words.
Humans have always thought because they have power, we have wisdom. Therefore people through history would farm for power, in order to feel the influence of their wisdom. From the short time of writing these posts, I have come to remember that power can be fought over, wisdom cannot. There are more things in heaven and earth then the glimps of human philosophy. Why then are we so cock-sure about the power we posses over other humans? I'll take the life altering wisdom of a impovereshed man over the clouded wisdom of a powerful man every time. Why? Because the art of being wise is a learned trait, not one that is taken with a sword.
Speaking of swords, I should really post a picture of my Christmas present. It is a utility katana -- utility in that it came sharp enough to cut paper in half that mearly dropped on top of it. If you light a candle in the room, the sword will reflect it, and the entire room will glimmer with its brilliance. One of my best friends gave it to me, and I love it, the amount anyone can love a wordly item. I almost attacked Brad with it when he busted into my house one day.
But hey, these are just ramblings. All this discussion about love and power and wisdom...doesn't matter to me. What really matters is that message I got from my friend, telling me their appriciation for the posts I've been writing. That's really all the wisdom in the world I need, is how to make someone happy. How to make someone thing a bit differently.
The person who messaged me earlier closed the conversation with this: "superyay for the 'cop ahead' story."