Friday, February 25, 2005

I remember

I have a story. I'll tell it like it happened last week, because it sounds a lot better that way.
So last week -- which was actually august two years ago -- students were coming back to school, and Bush had finished cutting taxes so cops had to give more tickets to get more funding. I just did the research too, so all you conservites who are about to belch's a fact. I'm not the Observer. Anyway, cops were at every corner. Tickets were up 400% in Clemson for August. There were two possible reasons for this: First, they wanted to set precident for the new students. Second, they needed more funding. One particular cop sat behind some large bushes on the road into Clemson. I saw him while heading to Bi-Lo. The police officer was hiding, trying to trick drivers into believing it was okay to drive fast by creating the illusion that no law enforcment was around. The idea of the police encouraging law breaking to fund their department irked me. It festered in my Eclipse, like a fart in an old car. So at Bi-Lo, my lid spilled, and I suffered from a macho adreneline rush: I bought a floresant poster and a big black marker. I drove a quater mile down the road from the cop, who still sat there. I stood out of my car and held up my yellow-florecent poster that now read: COP AHEAD.
Within about 30 seconds, break lights were everywhere, and I was the hero of Clemson. Girls waved at me and guys wanted to be me. That second part was made up in my head, but girls defintily waved at me. Here's an interesting side fact of my assholivness; 100% of the people who saw my sign slowed and went the speed limit. 0% of the people slowed down because of the unseen cop hiding behind the bushes. I enforced the law more effectivly than any officer of the law could. Out in the open, my sign was slowing people down. Hiding, waiting for fund his department, the cop was looking to stop one-of-a-thousand, so he could slow 0.01% of the population. The law enforcment ended when some guy disagreed with my sign, and pulled over next to the cop. He told the cop what was going on. Bam, I was off like a prom dress. People went back to speeding. And 0.01% of the community who would otherwise get caught, got away with speeding because the cop was chasing me. Heh, the law enforcer was being chased by a police officer.

Funs stuff. Fun stuff with a moral.

I remember the first "blog" I wrote 6 years ago. Back when the internet was young, and the creator of mozilla just got rich because of his creation. Back then, browsers didn't exists, and weblogs were writen in telnet, with pico or xi editors. When programers needed to view other people's development by doing a whois or finger user. It's interesting seeing people jump on the bandwaggon -- by that I mean people who have done it in the past two years or so. Makes me wonder if they'll still be doing it six years from now. I guess having Mr Netscape make the web availible for everyone, so anyone with a browser can make a web log. "WEBLOG".

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