Thursday, February 17, 2005

2nd post Musings

I was sitting around one day, trying to come up with the best way to describe how I felt about one particular person I do not like. And it was hard, because I can't just say "I hate this person" because 1) it is incorrect use of the word hate, 2) that phrase is over used to the point of mental bludgoning. Eventually, I decided I could not accuratly describe how I felt about this particular person. Which then lead to another thought. What if I described my loathing, but describing how undescribable it is to grasp my level of loathe? Well here it is...I decided that: "It would be difficult to express my distaste for this person, because the feeling is partially bound with infinity"
That's right. An .u.ber phrase to describe the .u.ber feeling.

By the way, did you know that uber came from an old german gaming termanology? Yes it's a word in the German language and everyone's all "yeah I know where it came from", but what they don't know is that it came from a sporting event. Yup! And of course now I can't remember what the name of the game is, so I look like an idiot.

Did you know urine is sterile? You could drink it

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