Friday, February 18, 2005


I know a girl, and she's a goddess. And no no, I don't mean there's a chick that I wanna bang because she's the uber hottie, but rather she has royalty status. She's the only girl working in an all-male staff of computer nerds. I don't really know if they're nerds, but I don't like one of the guys that works there so they're giving me the benefit of the doubt by me calling them nerds. N-E-way, I found that very interesting. I want royalty status! I want to be able to ask all the silly questions and everyone rush to answer them as quickly as possible. In fact, I want everyone to rush to answer my question, and fight over which one gets to answer my silly question. That would be awesome, and that would make me a god, with a lower case G.

I just killed a horde member in World of Warcraft. He was bothering a noobie character. The noobie character saluted me (yes he typed /salute and his pixelated character stood up straight and put his hand to his face as if blocking the sun, in an aparent attempt to show his respect for killing the horde member that was killing him over and over. Does that make me a god? To some person out there, I was the idol of respect. Something that would make someone, somewhere in this world type something that would show me, my character, that he respected me. It was nice, but I want that in real life. I want to do something good enough to someone where they salute me. Maybe not salute, but to smile. Smile with the whole heaerted dilligence that someone under appriciation gives. That would be nice. It's happened on occasion, and that makes life worth living you know? Maybe if I were to become a steward, I could possibly be on a flight where the plane crashed, and maybe my instructions would save a bunch of people's lives. In the event of an emergency, exits are here, and here. Note that your closest exit might be behind you. I am a god

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